1. Dropbear Public-Key Authentication

    Tue 07 August 2012
    By makefu

    ssh-copy-id does not work out of the box for dropbear. The issue is that dropbear may only have one authorizedKeys file while openssh handles this file for each user. To fix it symlink the root users authorizedKeys file to the dropbear one.

    openwrt>> ln -s /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc …
    Tagged as : openssh dropbear
  2. Utf8 in an Irssi/tmux/putty/windows Stack

    Getting irssi running with utf8 support in a putty/tmux stack is madness. Here is what you have to do.

    add lines in .{ba,z}shrc:

    export LANG=en_US.utf8
    export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8

    add lines in .tmux.conf:

    set-option -g default-terminal "rxvt"
    set-window-option -g utf8 on …
    Tagged as : irssi utf8
  3. install graphite+web with apache2 and collectd

    After some try and error, this is how i got graphite and graphite_web running under a debian derivative (ubuntu 12.04).

    apt-get install python-django python-cairo
    sudo easy_install django-tagging
    pip install carbon
    pip install whisper
    pip install graphite-web
    cd /opt/graphite/conf
    cp carbon.conf.example carbon …
    Tagged as : apache collectd graphite
  4. Enable xattr for dumb filesystems

    I was looking for a way to enable extended attributes for encfs(userland crypto Wrapper) on davfs(userland Webdav fs wrapper) to use them with glusterfs to create a high-availability distributed secure cloud storage on the cheap.

    After many hours looking for a way to enable xattrs on encfs or …

    Tagged as : xattr filesystems davfs
  5. Getting Hama Nano DVB-T Stick to work

    I initially bought it because i wanted to play around with software defined radio on the cheap [1] but haven’t had the time. As this thingy is originally an DVB-T stick i wanted to try this out first. As it contains a fairly common RTL2832U chip, it shouldn’t …

    Tagged as : dvb-t rtl2832u
  6. Daemonize and Autostart under Debian and RHEL

    Daemonizing and autostarting a process is still a pain in the ass, so here are two scripts which can be placed under /etc/init.d and if you are lucky everything will work.

    Example is the punani backend, an universal package resolver and installer which is essentially a python webserver …

    Tagged as : debian redhat autostart
  7. FTP Share with Python on Windows

    Installation of dependencies

    #! cmd.exe
    wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.2/python-2.7.2.msi
    msiexec python-2.7.2.msi
    # get easy_install
    cd c …
    Tagged as : ftp python windows
  8. Custom CD Images on Sansa U3

    Mon 13 February 2012
    By makefu

    I’m using a Sandisk Cruzer 8GB SDCZ36-008G-E11 (not B35) to deploy ISOs on the virtual CD-Rom drive (U3 Smart).

    write iso

    Some computers do better with a real cd-rom drive when botting a live system.

    dmesg | grep CD-ROM
    u3-tool -i /dev/sdx1
    #resize cd-drive to N blocks …
    Tagged as : usb iso autosart
  9. OpenSSL CSR with Subject Alternative Names

    Tue 07 February 2012
    By makefu

    I had the requirement to create a certificate with a subject Alternative Name (additional dns names for the same host). Again it turned out not to be that simple. A extra configuration has to be created and the SubjectAltName can be added in this config for the Signing Request.

    We …

    Tagged as : openssl csr subjectAltName
  10. awstats and lighttpd

    Mon 06 February 2012
    By makefu

    These snippets are in a ”worked for me” state. most of this stuff will break your system when executing.


    • /srv/http/euer.krebsco.de - served by lighttpd on public interface
    • /srv/http/priv - served on private interface (darknet)

    lighttpd seperate subdomain logging and awstats

    apt-get install python-django …
    Tagged as : awstats lighttpd graphite

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