XBMC on Firetv

Sun 04 January 2015
By makefu

I was somewhat disappointed from plex performance and functionality so i looked for a way to get XBMC(kodi, but whatever) on my amazon firetv.

This blog post is essentially a digest from the original xbmc-wiki-page and if something is not like you want it you may want to look there.

It will describe how to get xbmc running on the firetv and make it autostart, as well as have a shortcut on the FTV home screen without removing original functionality.

Installing XBMC

  1. FTV -> Settings -> System -> Dev Options -> Enable ADB Debugging and Unknown Apps
  2. Side-load the apps we will need:
# i have not tried SBMC but it looks promising: http://spmc.semperpax.com/
# we will drive vanilla xbmc
wget http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/android/arm/kodi-14.0-Helix-armeabi-v7a.apk

# llama will help us configuring to run xbmc via another FVT app
# it can do so much more, which is quite impressive
# http://kebabapps.blogspot.de/
wget http://some-link/llama.apk

# autoPilot will permit to run xbmc on startup
wget http://diegomejia.globat.com/android/AutoPilot.apk
adb server
adb connect <firetv-ip>
adb install kodi-14.0-Helix-armeabi-v7a.apk
adb install llama.apk
adb install AutoPilot.apk

# we will abuse IkonoTV for starting XBMC instead via llama
FTV -> Apps -> Education -> ikono TV (WATCH ART)

Configuring autostart

  1. run XBMC on startup:
FTV -> Settings -> Apps -> All installed Apps -> AutoPilot
Choose *Kodi* for Autostart Application.
  1. run XBMC via Short-Cut
FTV -> Settings -> Apps -> All -> llama
Rules -> (+)-Sign
  -> add Condition -> Active Application -> ikono TV
  -> add Event     -> Start Application  -> kodi

Reboot and see if everything is working. If you want to integrate xbmc even more, check the wiki page on the top.
